As of July 1, 2023, this subject matter expert is happily employed as President of Civil Renewables, Inc., a late-career engineering consulting start-up focused on geotechnical and foundation design as applied in the renewable energy industry. Please reach out to me here: j.ben-hassine at (the at symbol) civilrenewables dot (period) com and I will gladly support your project needs. We offer services in the following areas:
- Geotechnical engineering
- Structural engineering
- Geohazard assessment
- Ground improvement
- Dynamic soil-structure interaction
- Direct Reliability-based Design (d-RBD®) - Refer to my PhD dissertation for a detailed description of this design methodology which is applicable to the design of engineering products, as well as civil engineering structures and foundations. We offer d-RBD® consulting services to design and develop engineering processes.
- Structural engineering design services
- Direct Reliability-based Design Optimization (d-RBDO®)
- Uncertainty assessment & risk management
- Value engineering
- Due diligence
- Design standards
- Computer geotechnics & finite element analysis & design
- Data mining
- Bayesian probability
- Monte Carlo Simulation